Archive for April, 2007

Saturday, April 14th, 2007

The following is a paid advertisement for THUNDER DUNKERSâ„¢:

HEY YOU! Are you TIRED of the same-old BORING family restaurants? Are you TIRED of the same-old BORING food? Are you ready to EXPERIENCE the EVOLUTION of FUDGULATED DINNERTAINMENT?


THUNDER DUNKERSâ„¢ is the totally new, totally wild, totally FUN new (wild) restaurant for the whole family! At THUNDER DUNKERSâ„¢, all of our food is specially THUNDER-DUNKEDâ„¢ right when you order it, then FUN-BLASTEDâ„¢ with the toppin’s of your choice!

Choose from over 3 delicious meats including cow, ham, or sheep. Watch as our Master Dunkologists THUNDER DUNK™ your meat in rich, creamy fudge– right when you order it!

Select up to two toppin’s from our FUN-BLASTERS™ MENU, including hot corn, crackers, snapberries, Skittles™, or TinyPies™. The toppin’s are then loaded into a high-powered air cannon and FUN-BLASTED™ into your THUNDER-DUNKED™ meat while you watch from the safety of The THUNDER BUBBLE™.

Celebrating a birthday party, office birthday party or the birthday of a loved one’s family? Mention this ad and receive one of our delicious THUNDER-DUNKED™ birthday hams FUN-BLASTED™ with edible party hats, for a limited time only!


Located at 5211 S. Smuckley Street, 7 miles east of the Johndace Autos’ MoonSpire.


Birthday hams are available for a limited time only while supplies last. Not valid with any other offer or birthday. THUNDER DUNKERSâ„¢ does not assume responsibility for shrapnel-related FUN BLASTINGâ„¢ fatalities. Cooked meat may be substituted for a nominal fee upon request. THUNDER DUNKERSâ„¢ is not affiliated with THE IMPENDING FUDGEININGâ„¢.

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 184 user reviews.

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

“I’ve had a hell of a good time. I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you any different.”

Kurt Vonnegut


Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 229 user reviews.

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

As a public service, and as a way to put a few greenbacks in me paw-eh, I have opened up this section of the website to public classifieds, want-ads and the likes. If you have a classified to post, post it as a comment and it will appear on the site.

Here are the first round:
!!!!!!FOR SALE!!!!!!
’73 CHVY IMPLA XL. 115K, pwr drs, pwr wndws, wht pwr. Gd cndtn! Usd 4 drg dls, kdnppngs, drv-bys, mltpl rps. Mrdrd hkrs in trnk. Nl-mrks on sts. Bld stns. Bd smll. $400 (OBO). GR8 DL!
Call: Tronny (231) 345-2232
Help Wanted:
Bak-OFF Protection Inc. is seeking individuals willing to sample personal protection products. $7/hr + snacks. Dog lovers preferred. Products to be tested include: Chemical Chili-Blastâ„¢, Diarrhea On-Demandâ„¢, Flesh-Eating Jelly-Nadesâ„¢, The Crotch-o-dileâ„¢, Scrote-Stomper PLUSâ„¢, AIDSâ„¢. Medical bills are not covered. People without families are preferred. No clergy. Contact Bak-OFF Protection Inc. (800) UBAK-OFF ex. 187
Free to good home:
Unwanted ghost. Was fun, is now depressed. Needs cheering up and souls. Clowns/magicians with souls are preferred. Serious inquiries only. Contact Strembethany (970) 422-1001
Large, slightly abused pony. Answers to “Princess Plinkercups.” Hates children, other animals, sunlight, the elderly, elderly animals embodying pure light. Violent mood-swings are easily controlled with “sugar cubes” (crystal meth). Good on plow when cranked out. Good companion. Talkative. Will make excellent glue. Call Hershal Buttersweat (303) 899-9821.

more as they come!

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 186 user reviews.