Since I found out definitively that 911 was orchestrated by our government, that our oil resources have peaked, that global conflict is inevitable, that our climate is changing and that the internet is a never ending well of information on said matters… I have been dwelling on said matters for the last six months or so. Many a night I spent delving into the deep, dark truth about our situation as a culture, species and planet. 2006 was a frightening year, with many frightening developments. Just writing this, and remembering the feelings of anxiousness as I mentally prepared myself for aspects of life I have only read about… I wonder if the title of this post will remain applicable… Basically, since the midterm elections swung in a way I never would have predicted (although suspiciously so…), I have walled myself off from the ugliness of our present situations. Only a few weeks ago, if the aide to the Prime Minister of Yugoslavia got a paper cut, I was among the first to know. Digg, shoutwire and thinkprogress all provided a saturation bombing of current events. Current-current events have been trending in clear and disturbing directions. I spontaneously wrote a number of farewells to the world. Whether such feelings were justified, I can’t say right now. I’m now swimming in blissful ignorance.
Maybe “nurtured acceptance” is a more accurate description. I have come to terms with my/our present situation, but so long as I close the floodgates of my information inundation. I would rather spend my time focusing on other things, while that is still an option. We will all have plenty to worry about soon enough, why rush in? The fact of the matter is, no matter how grim the prognostications made by those seriously engaged in the hearts of the most important issues, with meditation I can change fear and dread into excited hopefulness. Everything I hold most deeply tells me with confidence that fear is a choice. Fear is a mindset. Fear is a product of missing the bigger picture. I have no fear.
Hopefully these pages will soon be filled with lengthier explanations as to why this is the case. A systematic analysis of us, the organism, in terms which blur the line between physical science and spiritually-derived existentialism. My own philosophy.
In the meantime, this entry should serve as adequate preface to what I hope to do here. I have too much good stuff to share outside of the temporal box of humanity’s present predicaments. I have closed myself off from it, once again embracing the glorious mindset of alienated objectivity. You can come along too if you’d like.
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