Here, have some stuff, courtesy of the man openly weeping in the bear suit. [More to come.]
For your listening enjoyment, here is my first "album". This "album" was composed entirely in Apple Soundtrack Pro from a mix of original and prerecorded loops , along with original guitar work in some places. I hope to continue mixing, but need to acquire a new copy of SoundTrack because my old copy "grew legs". Enjoy!
Attempted Music Vol. 1
1. morning contrails 2. abbiedoobie 3. Ensemble 1
4. StaticBrainf**k 5. Piano Mayhem 6. SarodSarod
photo albums
Pearl Jam in Denver 2006 Photos ( click here )
Camping (4/6/7) (click here)
All desktops are from original images and are at 1440 x 1080 resolution. These desktops may not be used for any purpose other than covering your desktop. To download: right click the link and select "save as" or "download linked file" etc.
More coming soon!