Announcer: Time to guess what time it is my tiny time-traveling tots!!! It’s time for ‘TimeTravel Time with Time-Traveling Dr. TimeTravel-Tim!’

Children: !!!!!!YEAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Announcer: Time to ask Time-Traveling Dr. TimeTravel Tim what time we’re time-traveling to this time!

Dr. T: “Well kids! This time we’re time-traveling to one of my all-time favorite times to time travel to! We’re time-traveling too a time where sometimes some time travelers think some types of time travel are too tough to time, but not THIS time!! This time it’s ‘TimeTravel Time with time-traveling Dr. TimeTravel Tim!’ And Dr. TimeTravel Tim travels to times where timid time travelers sometimes miss-time travel times, but this time our time travel timing will be timed to time travel to the time we intend to time travel to!

Phuh! To tell time-traveling Dr. TimeTravel Tim not to time travel to his all time favorite time to time travel to on ‘TimeTravel Time with time-traveling Dr. TimeTravel Tim’ is a travesty!!! This time, time-traveling Dr. TimeTravel Tim, who is time-traveling to all types of times all the time, each time time-traveling with his own time travel timings perfectly timed, will travel to his all time favorite time to time travel to!!!”

[Time-traveling Dr. TimeTravel Tim enters his time-traveling Time Machine, thoroughly miss-times his time-travel timing, and time travels to the wrong time. This will be the last episode of TimeTravel Time with Time-Traveling Dr. TimeTravel Tim.]


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